Thursday, February 7, 2013

I Think the Games Have Gone Much Too Far

It occurred to me today that I have not exactly been using this blog space as I originally intended.  When I began Short Notice Life, I thought I would be documenting my less-than-exciting days, not making bold statements and telling you My Opinion.  So today, I am going to take a step back and do some more stream-of-thought writing and talk about my day and maybe the title of this blog while I listen to some Taylor Swift (sue me).

This morning I woke up off-and-on between six-thirty and ten o'clock.  I finally decided to get out of bed at ten-ten or so, got dressed and ready for class, and then headed off to Writing out of the Multicultural Experience.  Class went well, and pretty much as expected.  The professor who teaches this class stands out in my mind as a favorite and because my current adviser plans to retire at the end of this year, I will be switching to the professor who teaches this class.  She is also currently the head of the English department, taking over for her husband who held the position previously.

In class, we read some pieces (a poem and an excerpt from a book) and then wrote our own piece on names.  If I decide to post my piece on here, I will wait until after Tuesday, when we have each read ours to the class and received feedback.  I expect some great things from this class, despite some tension between me and another student in the class because of our history.

After Writing out of the Multicultural Experience, I had an hour break for lunch.  I ate pasta with spaghetti sauce (meatless, sadly) and had two lemon sugar cookies.  Granted, it was not very much spaghetti, but I got full quickly so spent most of lunch spacing out and just taking the time to do nothing.

Evolutionary Psychology followed lunch.  The class period lasted longer than I expected, simply because I have experience with this professor (three classes worth, in fact -- my friends joke that I'm not minoring in Psychology, I'm minoring in this professor [spoiler alert -- it's true]) but we went for an hour and fifteen minutes going over expectations, reasons for being in the class, and the syllabus.  At some point we'll be writing a paper on an unresolved aspect of evolutionary psychology and I'm hoping that no one has done research (or much research) on gossip from an evolutionary prospective.  (If you don't know what I'm referring to, I encourage you to go back a post.)  Other than that, we have four tests and lots to read.

I attended office hours after my psychology class and finished my door decs for May.  It's my productivity and self-motivation, I think, that makes me feel like such a goody-two-shoes sometimes.  I spent some of my office hours in a meeting to determine events on campus for the future as well as hashing out my upcoming event (March 1!).  The meeting did not last too long, so I was at dinner by 5:10 and had lots of squash and turkey.  I love squash and I was so excited to see they just had some nearly-plain acorn squash.  I probably ate one whole squash's worth of squash.

Then I picked up the duty phone from the office and later, at ten, I'll be going on campus rounds.  For now, I just sit in bed and write while moving onto other musical favorites including Jessie J and Karmin.  It looks like (and feels like) it might snow, and I know New England is about to encounter a large storm so I'm feeling a little nostalgic, but not so much that I want to go home and shovel.  Tomorrow my boyfriend will be visiting and this weekend we plan on celebrating Chinese New Year and enjoying the brief time we have together.

To catch you up, my boyfriend and I live four hours apart (in good traffic).  We've made it work and the distance has turned out to be something of a blessing because we are both busy people, me with school and him with work.  Still, I appreciate any time we have together and I plan on visiting him next weekend.  For now, I have a little over twenty-four hours to kill until he gets here (maybe closer to twenty-seven) and I have few obligations to distract me tomorrow.  I will probably end up spending most of tomorrow doing as much homework as I can to free up time this weekend.

For those of you who prefer my more thought-provoking posts, I hope you didn't find this little life account too boring.  However, I think it's important that I tell you these little things about myself and my life so you better understand where I'm coming from when I make more political and philosophical posts.  If you were totally bored, let me know and I'll avoid doing such posts in the future.  Personally, I find the experience rather therapeutic.  It allows me to recall my day and organize my thoughts without being overly analytic and tiring myself out.  I'm off to do some homework now, but leave me a comment -- I want to hear about your day!

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