Tuesday, February 26, 2013

A Challenge

Today felt like a long day.  It probably has something to do with the fact that I woke up two minutes before my class began and had to get ready at the speed of light.  Class starts at 10:30 and I was there by 10:34.  Not bad if I do say so myself.  Anyway, it was raining and I didn't want to wake up and I guess I pressed the wrong button on my alarm clock because all of a sudden it was 10:28 and I was late.  You do what you can, I suppose.  It wasn't a big deal.

We talked about The House on Mango Street during class which, while I appreciated as a piece of literature, struggled to really connect to and understand on a deeper level and I think that just has something to do with the cultural distance between the author and I.  After class I went to lunch, which was actually pretty good but I ate too much and had a stomachache the rest of the day as some kind of punishment.  Lunch was followed by Evolutionary Psychology, in which we watched a discussion between David Buss (author of our text) and Richard Dawkins.

I spent my office hours working on my bulletin board for March which is going to be adorable if I do say so myself.  The concept or theme is "'secrets' of famous women of history," which will help to both advertise my April program and tie into the whole Women's History month thing.  Although, when it comes to Women's History Month, I'm of Morgan Freeman's mind and what he believes about Black History Month -- we don't need a history month; every person's history is women's history/black history.  We don't celebrate a History Month.  Women's history should be just history.

Part of my office hours on Tuesdays include an area meeting for the RAs in my area.  One of our other HRAs joined the meeting to discuss some of her plans and I plugged my upcoming events as well.  Like I mentioned just recently, one of them is Who Needs Feminism? and the other is a tour of upperclassmen housing for first years.  Typically first years don't know what upperclassmen rooms look like so they go into housing lottery not knowing what to expect or how to pick the room they want.  Hopefully this program will help with those issues.

I ate a quick dinner after our area meeting, even though I was still full from lunch.  I knew if I didn't I'd be really hungry later so I had to eat something.  I planned on going to senate after, which I did and where I announced Who Needs Feminism once again.  I'm really hoping things work out for that event because I really believe it's an extremely important one for any school, but especially a women's college.  Senate went a little bit longer than usual and we had a lot of serious business to discuss and take care of.

It was still raining a bit when we got out so I went back to my apartment as quickly as possible and got into my favorite pair of yellow sweatpants, which I wear on days I have gym time or on bad days because they make me happy and are extra comfortable.  Tonight I'm just wearing them because it's cold and I want to be comfy.  I've been web surfing, looking at links recommended by friends throughout the day and reading an article my boyfriend sent me about a kid who walked ten miles to go to a job interview.

For the rest of the evening, I plan on digging into some homework, maybe doing a little bit of writing on a fantasy novel I started a few weeks ago, and perhaps writing a couple of letters.  Today is also Dad's birthday -- happy birthday, Dad! -- so I'll probably get to skype with my family in a little while, too.  Unfortunately, my card probably won't make it to New Hampshire until tomorrow, but I think he's having pineapple upside-down cake tonight and Mom and Dad are going out to dinner this weekend to celebrate.  I wish I was there.

You may have noticed (or may not) that each of these paragraphs are exactly one hundred words long (except this last one, which will be fifty).  I decided to do that as a little challenge for myself tonight to see how it worked out.  It wasn't so bad, after all.

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