Thursday, February 21, 2013

Tell Me, Tell Me True

Like most days, today was relatively uneventful.  I do owe you all an apology for not putting up videos lately.  Frankly, I'm running out of songs that are relevant to my posts that I know about.  Maybe I'll just start putting random things and see how well you're paying attention.

For those of you wondering how I've been doing since the panic attack, I've been fine.  Like I said, it's kind of like throwing up -- you feel much better after it happens in most cases (at least with me).

I had intended to wake up a good amount of time before class this morning because I need to buy stamps that aren't Disney Pixar to use on an envelope to the Arlington Public Library, but I decided I needed the sleep more.  I can go tomorrow before I go to lunch and the library.  Anyway, I went to class where we read our pieces on language.  Mine apparently had a tone of humor I had not been aware of when I wrote it, which was interesting.  It changes what I'm going to do with it, but that's okay.  Afterward I went to lunch (which was disappointing as usual) and then Evolutionary Psychology.  The professor lectured for a while, told us about our papers, and then we watched a movie of Richard Dawkins.  After he set up the movie, he came and sat behind me but handed me an envelope on his way to the seat.

The envelope contained an invitation to join Psi Chi, the psychology honor society.  I typically don't join honor societies because the fees are ridiculous and I never hear about real instances of honor societies being particularly helpful to finding jobs, etc. but I'm considering this one.  A friend said that sometimes financial aid will cover these fees so I sent them an email after I got back to my room.

I spent two hours in the office, mostly working on my bulletin board for March.  Another HRA was also in the office with me so it was nice to have the company.  I went down to dinner after that and was done eating within ten minutes.  Then I came back to my room and played some games of Scramble for my boyfriend to come home to and poked around YouTube and Tumblr.  I should be working on homework, but I've got most of this weekend free and I'm still sleepy so for now I'm just going to goof off and write this blog post.

After having finally conquered the sore on the roof of my mouth the other day, I put my retainer in last night for the first time in week.  It hurt as much, if not more, than getting my braces tightened when I had them.  I knew people growing up who had braces and when I go them, relatively late compared to everyone else, I asked around about pain and stuff.  I mean, I knew kids in elementary school who had them, so I figured the pain couldn't be that bad.  Well, I thought the whole process was pretty painful.  Sometimes after getting my braces tightened I couldn't eat solid food for a week.  Wax didn't always help when the wires or the brackets were particularly sharp against my cheeks and tongue.  Anyway, braces hurt, man.

I'm excited for tomorrow because I think I'm finally healthy enough to go back to the gym.  I'll probably take it easy -- just do thirty minutes on the bike without a specific setting -- but it will be nice to get back into the routine of it.

I also have an appointment with one of the librarians at the school library so I can look at some special collection materials about eighteenth and nineteenth century writing implements for my Jane Austen class presentation.  I already have a pretty good set of stuff to present on, but I want something a little more, and I'm particularly in need of information on paper and blotting paper.  I wouldn't mind a little more on ink bottles, either.  That's at two o'clock.

This weekend I'm planning on going to Walmart and Goodwill.  I need to go to the former to pick up a new white board, because the one I have isn't working very well and I need a good sized one for Who Needs Feminism on March 1, anyway.  I'll be going to Goodwill to see if there're any clothes that are closer to business casual and in decent condition.  The stuff I have now is too big for me and I don't have much of it anyway.  Even if I can't find anything, it's worth a shot and there are two Goodwills that I know of in close proximity and a Salvation Army a little farther down.

And since I've nothing particular to do tomorrow, I think it's a good night for a drink.

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